Journals of the Latvian Academy of Culture
The Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) publishes two scholarly journals:
- For themes of international relevance and scope the LAC publishes the scholarly journal
Culture Crossroads
- For issues of local relevance and scope the LAC publishes the scholarly journal
Krustpunkti: Kultūras un mākslas pētījumi
The goal of the scholarly journals published by the Institute of Arts and Cultural Studies of the Latvian Academy of Culture is to develop and expand theoretical and methodological approaches to the research of culture, art and creativity with an emphasis on the potential of the diversity of disciplines and interdisciplinarity.
The focus of the journals is on the interaction of cultural, artistic and creative processes as well as their synergy with other domains of national economy, politics and social life. The journals target the most topical issues and discussion points in cultural studies and arts.
The journals are open to interdisciplinary cultural studies research in the fields of ethnology, theory of culture, semiotics, cultural anthropology, museology, cultural heritage, management of culture, sociology of culture and art, cultural economics (including creative industries), cultural politics, audio-visual art, performing arts, dance, theory of literature, musicology, law, linguistics, and other domains of cultural studies and arts.
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Anda Laķe
Deputy Editor-in-chief: Ilona Kunda
Asssistant to Editor-in-Chief: Lote Katrīna Cērpa
Culture Crossroads
Culture Crossroads is an international peer-reviewed journal published by the Institute of Arts and Cultural Studies of the Latvian Academy of Culture. The goal of Culture Crossroads is to develop and expand theoretical and methodological approaches to the research of art and creativity with emphasis on the potential of a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinarity. The main focus of the publication is on the interaction of cultural, artistic and creative processes as well as the synergy between them and other domains of national economy, politics and social life. It is targeted on the most topical issues and discussion points in culture studies and arts. The publication is open to research in the fields of ethnology, theory of culture, semiotics, cultural anthropology, museology, cultural heritage, management of culture, sociology of culture and art, cultural economics (including creative industries), cultural politics, audio-visual art, performing arts, dance, theory of literature, musicology, law, linguistics, or other domains of culture studies and arts.
Culture Crossroads is indexed in: SCOPUS; EBSCO (Humanities Source Ultimate); ERIH PLUS; ULRICH'S; Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL).
Krustpunkti: kultūras un mākslas pētījumi
“Krustpunkti: kultūras un mākslas pētījumi” ir Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas Kultūras un mākslu institūta (LKA KMI) izdots zinātnisko rakstu krājums. Tā mērķis ir attīstīt un paplašināt kultūras, mākslas un radošuma izpētes teorētiskās un metodoloģiskās pieejas, akcentējot disciplinārās daudzveidības potenciālu un starpdisciplinaritāti. Izdevuma uzmanības centrā ir kultūras, mākslas un radošo procesu mijiedarbe un sinerģija ar citām tautsaimniecības, politikas un sociālas dzīves jomām, tas vērsts uz aktuālākajiem problēmu un diskusiju punktiem kultūras un mākslas zinātnēs. Izdevums ir atvērts etnoloģijas, kultūras teorijas, semiotikas, kultūras antropoloģijas, muzeoloģijas, kultūras mantojuma, kultūras menedžmenta, kultūras un mākslas socioloģijas, kultūras ekonomikas (tai skaitā radošo industriju), kultūrpolitikas, audiovizuālās mākslas, skatuves mākslas, literatūras teorijas, muzikoloģijas, tiesību zinātnes, valodas zinātnes un citu kultūras un mākslas zinātņu nozaru pētījumiem.