
  • PhD candidate Linda Teikmane A



The Art Academy of Latvia, the emerging art, the art value, an art market, creative industries


As the notion of the art market, employability and social economic impact drives higher art education even more towards art market and art world centred approaches, the role of emerging art and artists in art education and research rises. The research addresses the value of emerging art and emerging artists, particularly, the alumni of the Art Academy of Latvia and the Painting department of the Art Academy of Latvia in the period 2006–2010. It discusses the use of the terms of the emerging art and the emerging artists, methodological approaches towards the foundation of values of art and culture, applying of the institutional theory and never-established role of emerging art in the culture and creative industries. It also discusses necessity to further develop approach that would allow to establish value of the emerging art and the role of emerging artists inside cultural and art institutions, namely, art education institutions.



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