archaeological heritage, endangered artifacts, looting, awareness, heritage protectionAbstract
Significant amount of illegal excavations and information regarding Internet trade of protected artifacts, the number of criminal cases and other violations strongly implies that Latvian archaeological heritage is endangered. The detailed situation unfortunately is not precisely known since correspondent statistical data are not being processed and analysed on regular basis. Different methods are being used in order to reduce illegal obtainment and trade of antiquities, however, it is usually hard to find relatively efficient and at the same time fast solution. One of practical solutions to the problem has to do with enhancing awareness of different audiences involved. Thus, after six months of hard work, the Catalogue of Endangered Latvian Archaeological Artefacts was published in June 2016. The analysis of national situation regarding protection of archaeological artifacts, combined with survey of controlling institutions as well as study of foreign information sources allowed for some conclusions at the broader level: • awareness-raising activities seem to be necessary and valuable as legislative acts do not contain all the information needed for different audiences. Awareness raising achieved by information dissemination concerning protected archaeological artifacts and related issues seems to be accelerated comparing to other possible solutions; • understanding the factors that push to wrongdoing or influence abstention from it in the context of current political and socio-economic situation is probably the key aspect for facilitating protection of cultural heritage; • the combination of informational, legal, law enforcement, analytical, coordination, organization and mutual cooperation activities is important for more effective protection.Downloads
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