
  • Dra. María del Carmen Méndez Santos U



motivation, demotivation, demotivators, Complex dynamic systems theory, formal instruction of foreign languages


Demotivation while learning a foreign language is a widely analysed pheno menon for English, but the same cannot be said for Spanish. For this reason, in this paper, first, we perform a brief theoretical review of the existing research about demotivation and also, we introduce the terminology in Spanish. Then, a preliminary and exploratory qualitative study is presented, whose sample is based on open questionnaires. The analysis of the responses was carried out through the classification of clusters and under the theoretical conception of Complex Dynamic Systems. Finally, these first results are evaluated to improve the questionnaire to carry out massive data collection work in the future, and recommendations based on these first indications are offered both at the structural level of the educational system and at the classroom level for improvement of the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.



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