
  • Dr. Iban Mañas Navarrete U
  • Doctoranda María José Centelles Cuart U



writing, L2 Spanish, complexity, textual adequacy, accuracy


In this work we collected the results of a study based on L2 Spanish writing tasks [Manchón 2016]. The analyzed corpus is based on letters written by Russian teenagers who study Spanish as a foreign language and native Spanish teenagers. In order to analyze the written texts of native and non-native speakers, syntactic and lexical complexity are established [Bulté & Housen 2012], as well as an accuracy rate [Polio 1997; Wolfe-Quintero et al. 1998]. These measurements have been com - monly used in second language acquisition studies [Mavrou 2016], and this allows us to discuss the results and to relate them to previous data obtained in similar studies. In addition, contextual adequacy will be measured taking into account communicative intention. Based on the obtained results, we will give some didactic recommendations for teaching writing skills to teenage students in formal education contexts.



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