
  • Bc.iur., Andris Kairišs R
  • LL.M Irina Oļevska A



cultural heritage, immovable cultural monuments, manors, real estate, socio-economic development


Both movable and immovable cultural monuments provide opportunities to meet interests of many stakeholders – their owners and managers, local community, researchers, tourists, businesses, mass media, heritage institutions, etc., as well as so- ciety as a whole. Along with aesthetic, symbolic, educational, research, etc., interests, no less important are the economic ones induced by these monuments’ development potential. It is nevertheless widely acknowledged that investment in cultural heritage sites (including conservation, restoration, maintenance, marketing, etc.) may outweigh their direct economic benefits due to inevitable payments and obligations. Thus, the question arises: what are those factors that restrict and those that facilitate socio-eco- nomic development of the immovable cultural monument? Immovable monuments are divided into several typological groups, and the most numerous in Latvia are architectural monuments. Assuming that the effective- ness of development may depend on the type of the monument within one group, this article focuses primarily on manors as relatively numerous architectural monu- ments characteristic for Latvian regions (parishes) and valuable cultural-historical objects, representing large tourism potential. The article, analyzing the situation in Latvia and making international compari- sons, uses integrated socio-economic and legal approach to the researched issue. It provides both theoretical and practical insight into the actualities of manors’ devel- opment potential and possible solutions thereto.



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Additional sources

Interview 1. Interview with the head of SIA “Kukšu muiža”, Mr. Daniels Jans, 18.03.2021.

Interview 2. Interview with cultural historian and photographer, honorary member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Dr.h.c.hist. Mr. Vitolds Masnovskis, 06.04.2021.

Interview 3. Interview with the president of the Estonian Manor Association Mr. Andrej Dvorjaninov, 24.03.2021.

Interview 4. Interview with the president of the Latvian Association of Castles, Palaces and Manors Mr. Jānis Lazdāns, 09.03.2021.

Interview 5. Interview with the president of the Latvian Association of Private Historic Houses Ms. Egita Karlsone, 08.04.2021.

Interview 6. Interview with the chairman of the Board of the Riga Historical House Association Mr. Aleksis Karlsons, 08.04.2021.

Interview 7. Written answers of the president of the Lithuanian Castles and Manors Association Mr. Gintaras Karosas, 23.03.2021.

Interview 8. Interview with the representatives of the Kuldīga municipality, 27.04.2021.: Architect of the Construction Board, Ms. Inta Jansone, Old town management specialist, Ms. Sintija Vītoliņa, Deputy Head of the Institution “Kuldīga Development Agency” Mr. Kaspars Rasa.

Interview 9. Interview with the head of Zemgale regional department of the National Cultural Heritage Board, Ms. Elvīra Mantrova, 11.05.2021.

Interview 10. Written and oral interview with the head of the Tukums Information Centre and deputy head of Tourism and Branding of the Tukums County Council Culture, Sports and Tourism Board, Ms. Ingrīda Smuškova, 27.04.2021.

LAPHH answers. Questionnaire filled-in by owners of manors – members of Latvian Association of Private Historic Houses (in total – 5 questionnaires filled).

NCHB information. Information letter No. 08-01/2287 provided by the National Cultural Heritage Board as of 29.04.2021. upon the request of A. Kairiss as of 17.03.2021.


