
  • Jānis Kudiņš J



Latvian music history, 20th, century, modernism, local peculiarities, avantgarde, experience of adaptation


The question of 20th century modernism in the history of Latvian academic genres music is still topical. The prevailing opinion in musicological research (literature) is that representation of modernism in the history of Latvian music has been fragmentary. In various decades of the 20th century (the first and second half of the century), Latvian composers have rarely turned to the most radical expression of modernism, the avant-garde. Much more often possible identified stylistically moderate manifestations of modernism. However, these issues have still been little researched. This article offers a focused (panoramic) characterisation, looking at local peculiarities of adaptation and representation of modernism in Latvian music history in the 20th century.



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