
  • Dr.hist., Dr.habil.art. Juris Urtāns L




Northern War, front defence system, redoubt


The article is focused on the history of Koknese Fortress Front fortifications which were built from September 1700 to May 1701 in order to enhance the defence power of Koknese Fortress. The total length of the defence line exceeded 4 km. The line contained 25 redoubts. After the loss of Spilve battle close to Riga, the Saxon troops retreated from Koknese, on 25 July 1701 Koknese Fortress was blown up and after that was not used for military purposes anymore. The outer defence line of Koknese Fortress never faced military attacks and after 1701 was abandoned, partially levelled by agriculture work, destroyed by activities of the First and the Second World Wars, building of houses, roads and motorway, establishing a cemetery on one of the earthworks, flooding by Pļaviņas hydroelectric power station, etc. At present the front defence system of Koknese Fortress has partially survived, but until the last years the particular system of defence line had not been clearly identified. Now it has been done comparing an image of Koknese from 1701 with the results of aerial and traditional reconnaissance. Koknese front fortification line is a unique monument under circumstances of Latvia.



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