



heritage of sanatoria, participatory governance, community transformations, local challenges, culture-led development


The overarching aim of this research was to conduct a comparative analysis of the Polish and French approaches to the interpretation and management of cultural heritage. It also explores the perceptions of the legacy associated with venues that have transitioned from their original purposes to new forms of activities aimed at heritage preservation. Key aspects of this study encompass the preservation of the memory of these sites, the strategic development of the locales, the values and goals upheld by these transformed facilities, capacity building, and the roles played by private entities in organizing cultural activities and commemorating cultural heritage within the region.

Supporting Agencies
The research has been supported by a grant from the Faculty of International and Political Studies under the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at Jagiellonian University.


Author Biographies

  • M.A., MSci Piotr Michalowski, European Network of Cultural Centres ENCC Brussels, Belgium

    Piotr Michałowski, researcher, cultural expert, a Board member of the European Network of Cultural Centers ENCC in Brussels (since 2015), and a Creative Programme Lead at the MuseoSpace Foundation, Leiden, the Netherlands. He is an independent expert on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme, expert evaluator of DG EACEA (European Commission), Goethe Institute Brussels and IFCD of UNESCO. He has obtained MA in culture studies, MSci in project management with European Diploma, and MSci in cultural diplomacy.  

  • Prof. Kinga Anna Gajda, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

    Researcher at the Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Trained as a Culture Studies, European Studies, Literary and Theatre Studies and Gender Studies. Associated in research and practice with the implementation of museums' participatory processes, author of a monograph and  many articles in the field of memory, heritage and museum education as informal education.


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Additional references

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