
  • Bc.art. Justīne Dižpētere Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija




Preiļi conceptualism group, performance, performativity, conceptual writing, conceptualism


The article covers elements of performance used by Preiļi conceptualism group in their activities besides or within conceptual writing examples, appearances that are considered a part of the public image they have constructed and upkept, and practices of self-mythology. 
To better understand context that surrounds the group and their place in Latvian literary and art circles, the article expands on the origin of Preiļi conceptualism group and their literary works, focusing on group-appointed leader Einārs Pelšs and performative elements in his conceptual writing. Using examples of writing as a starting point, other performance elements are formulated and described, starting with the group’s self-myth and stories surrounding it, experiments with literary normatives, and in the end – performance events organised and executed by Preiļi conceptualism group. 
As a means of further contextualization, some examples of performance art in the 20th century and use of performance in other literary and art groups are given. A brief introduction to theories of performativity and performance studies in parallel with activities by Preiļi conceptualism group allows for a deeper look into the expansion of literary conventions that group members use to broaden the scope and understanding of conceptualism and conceptual writing. 



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