
  • prof. emeritus Ivars Bērziņš Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija, Latvija




Music research, use of music in marketing and management, the economic, symbolic and social value


Guy de Maupassant has said: A strange art – music – the most poetic and the precise of all forms of arts, vague as a dream and precise as algebra. An attempt to describe and carry out research in the field of music often seems like a description of a scent – music simply exists, it exists on its own – seems that it evades the rational thinking processes. Still music and its consumption is affected by the possibility of its technical reproduction, visualisation, virtuality, differentiated lifestyles, economisation of spheres of life and commercialization.

Music research opens possibilities in terms of attention and experience. The same applies to the use of music in advertising, sponsoring, audio brand management. Shifts in the domain of music management in terms of space, format and environment is a challenge. The research methods applicable in management are many-sided: model of conductor and orchestra creating a management model, role of jazz mindset or jazz thinking of a nowadays manager. Music offers a wide range of possibilities in terms of its value research. Especially in economic, symbolic, and social viewpoint. The currently popular trend of city planning is working with the sound of the city in forming a creative environment. Comparing music to literature, painting and cinema has several advantages.  Especially unifying is the musical experience obtained in a publicly performed concert, where many people are fully engaged in the same participation. This subject deserves deeper research.



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Bērziņš, I. (2014). Koncerts: rituāls, forma un ekonomika. Sast. Jaunslaviete, B. Mūzikas akadēmijas raksti XI. Musica Baltica.

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